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Gotta get away

Hello. It’s been a while..

I don’t know what’s wrong with me sometimes. I can’t help myself but give in to things that aren’t necessarily good for me. I tell myself that I can’t do it anymore, and everything goes good for a few days, a week tops. Sure enough, like clock work I’m back at square one soon after. I’ve been going through this for months and months and can’t seem to get away from it. I try so hard, all it takes is one thing, and it’s like I forget the past, and all the miserable things I’ve gone though, and go right back to it. It’s similar to being addicted to a drug I think. Maybe it’s not as life endangering, or illegal for that matter, but on some level it’s the same. I do it, I get hooked and it’s not at all good for me. I try to quit, but its just too tempting and I keep going back for one more taste and then I feel terrible about it after wards. I say it’s the last time, and at that moment, I really mean it but it never works. I don’t know what to do or how to correct it. I guess I’m just doomed.